Foam cutting options
(click on images for larger view)

Aileron V's cut in bottom of core to facilitate between sheet Kevlar hinges on upper surface of wing.


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aileron2.jpg (116346 bytes)


Wing joiner and servo lead tubes cut from bottom into foam core.  

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Turtle-decking can be cut to customers request. Outer shut, Turtle-deck and inner shut.


turtledeck.jpg (112156 bytes)


Tapered glider panel  

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Hollow wing sections: 

These can be cut into most wings for added lightness without reducing strength over the length of the wing. Note wire entry points on lower surface.


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Wing joiner tube cutting. 

This method is used to cut wing joiner tubes without necessitating splitting the wing panels in two. A short bow is added to the main bow, a small opening is cut into the wing to accommodate the bows narrow point. This method can also be used for cutting aileron V's.


wing_tube_cut.jpg (45596 bytes)